Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Random thoughts

Finally my first post in 2007. Firstly to use back some familiar old phrases. I m currently one month into my new posting now and sad to say, i think it was like that time when i was learning German, ITS NOT SMILING AT ME. Sigh, i know it wasn't my first preference but at least i did have good memories of it last time. maybe its the work environment where the enfermas simply irritate the hell out of me. I really cannot stand some of them and everyday is a test of my patience where i sometimes just feel like throwing the file at them or scream at them in the face. I think this is the first time in my nine months so far that i am so irritated... Luckily my superiors are not that demanding and it somehow soften the impact. Nevertheless, morale is still damn low cos simply put ITS NOT SMILING AT ME!!!!!

Anyway while on the bus back from class today, some random thoughts popped into my mind. I guess i finally understand the reason why German did not manage to smile at me last time. I think it must have been my perception of the language. Its just simply too pragmatic and business-like sounding that it doesnt tug at the emotions within me. Both French and Spanish seemed to have find a niche within my inner self. In case u guys havent notice but does anybody realise that i tend to blog in French when i m feeling down or dispirited while the converse apply to Spanish which tends to be jovial complaints. Haha not that i m slamming the French but it just seemed that my emotions tend to flow more easily when i complain or lament in French ^=^ And Spanish just seemed to make me happy!!!! (Haha its the only source of motivation in this day and age when Paeds just refused to smile at me)

Anyway i must make an apology here. I think i did mention about trying to get a chalet in March but the lure of the Malaysian Airline offer is simply too great for me. Heheh so its now a straight fight between Japan and Germany and as a result, need to conserve resources for the trip. So guess i will have to push back the chalet thing to kiv July then. But in any case, think i will only finalise my decision next week so if there is anyone who wishes to join me, please sms me or post a comment k. Haha it will be a study trip instead of a sightseeing trip if i were to go alone this time :p