Friday, July 08, 2005

Perfecta oder Imperfecta

Firstly, my condolences to the people of Great Britain and to the people of London especially. This was a most unfortunate event to happen, especially given the jubilation and joy that had been experienced 24 hours earlier. Its really a case of heartfelt joy to heartbreak pain in such a short period of time and i think all other personal problems and stuff seemed so insignificant. Nevertheless, its a reminder to us all (yeah i know its a bit cliche) that we should never let our guard down. London was at its weakest, this morning after all their top personnel had been deployed elsewhere and the feel good factor was all around. (Honestly, speaking, i think this would have happen to whichever city that had won yesterday) Oh well at least they now had a new focus to the spirit of the games. The reason i had wanted New York to win the vote had now been passed on to London and the 2012 games will hopefully be a game that celebrate the victory against terrorism.

Today was the last day of dermatology and things that had happened lead me to think about this word, "perfection" a word that we yearned for in everything that we do. But what do we do if we realised that there is some imperfection in the thing that are presented to us?This is especially so in life, where nothing seemed to be ever perfect. 1. We will grow to like this imperfection and will instead view it as something that makes this entity unique. What others may see as demeaning will appear as lovable and adorable and we will grow to love and live with this imperfection 2. On the other hand, if we are unable to see past this imperfection or if this imperfection is simply too great a thought to bear with, we will view it as a eyesore. Whenever we view it, it will be the first thing that attract our attention. There will be a constant urge to get rid of that thing and our lives will always be miserable if it remains there. Thus the urge to pay big bucks to go through expensive surgery and procedures to make ourelves feel better, to destroy all the imperfection. Which kind of person will u be if u are faced with such imperfection? Haiz... Life...

Je ne peux pas comprendre tout le chose est passe par mon mais je crois ils se passe pour un raison. Je suis triste mais je choisis du croire quel poserait pour moi et peux le ciel donne le paix sur ma ame.


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